Even Months Later

While Death Doulas do all of their client work in the months/weeks/days leading up to the client’s death, oftentimes the work continues with the loved ones, many of whom feel a little lost on how to best grieve the loss.

In the immediate wake of someone’s passing, there is a lot for the loved ones to do. Friends, acquaintances, and extended family generally expect to attend a formal ceremony to memorialize the person’s life. Of course, these ceremonies will vary from family to family, from culture to culture, but there’s something very human about wanting to do something to mark the end of a life.

But months later, there is almost always a sense of profound permanency to the loved one’s passing that had been obscured by the planning of the arrangements and by the initial shift into an awareness of absence. The absence is more than “not here” in the present to a “never to be here again” in the future.

For many, this is when the services of a Death Doula can be helpful, even if the Death Doula never worked with the now deceased client.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the shock of permanency, please feel open to reaching out to Jenna at 978.760.0482 (call or text) or at jenna@wisest.path.com

Published by Jenna Brownson

Early morning writer, mother to four, wife to one, recovering lawyer, End-of-Life Doula.

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